Sano Themia Halo Pontian Heritage Foundation
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Mission statement for the United States

The Sano Themia Halo Pontian Heritage Foundation, conceived and organized by Thea Halo, was established as a not-for profit foundation to raise funds from national and international sources for a variety of philanthropic, educational, and cultural purposes and to administer said funds for such activities and expenses.

The goal of the foundation is to function, as much as possible, on a volunteer basis so that almost all of the capital raised will go to the designated activities. At present the foundation is in the process of relocating its headquarters in the U.S. All Officers and the Director are on a volunteer basis.

CEO/President:  Thea Halo
Board Member:  Timothy Halo
Board Member:  Lynn Christoffers
Board Member:  Michael Todoro
Directing:           Thea Halo            

Funding and expertise permitting, activities of the foundation will include the following:

1. Lecture and Book Project
2. Databases
3. Scholarship Fund.
4. Chair at a University
5. Genocide Memorial dedicated to the Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians
6. Dictionary, with grammar, of the Pontian dialect/ Translation into English and German

Description of each activity of the foundation in the U.S.

1.  Lecture and Book Project

The Lecture and Book Project is an educational program consisting of lecture tours, readings, and film screenings at High Schools,  Universities and other public venues. The purpose is to raise student and faculty awareness of one of the first Genocides of the 20th Century and the peoples of Asia Minor (Turkey). Such tours will also serve to introduce the foundation and its activities to the public. When and where books and films are appropriate and available, the foundation will donate Books and films to such institutions, or aid in their purchase.

2. Databases – On-line

a. personal histories, folk tales, and songs of Pontians cataloged both alphabetically and by town(s) and village(s) of origin

b. personal histories, folk tales, and songs of all other Asia Minor Christians: Ionian and Cappadoccian Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians cataloged both alphabetically and by town(s) and village(s) of origin

c. lists and data on displaced persons around the world of any ethnic origin

d. history of Asia Minor and the Diaspora

e. lists of relevant books and reading material

f. access to above information through the internet with links to other relevant sites

3. Scholarship Fund

Depending on the amount of funds available, scholarship(s) will be awarded on a merit basis to high school, university and graduate level students for university and graduate studies. Scholarship recipients will be chosen through a national application process. The awards will be administered through a designated university or universities in the United States.

4. Genocide Memorial – Greek, Assyrian, Armenian

To be erected on the ridge of a hillside. This memorial will be in the United States. Location to be decided, but New York State is the first choice. The memorial will contain the names of Greeks (Pontic, Ionian, and Cappadocian), Assyrians, and Armenians of Asia Minor (Turkey) who were lost or killed between 1914-23.

Family and friends of those who died or were missing during the ethnic cleansing and Genocide in Asia Minor between 1914-1923 will be asked to submit the names of loved ones, along with a small fee for costs of including their names on the memorial.

5. Chair for Pontian and Asia Minor Studies
Both the location of the chair and the area of studies will be decided by the board. Suggested studies might include:

a. Women in Asia Minor
b. Religion and Community in Asia Minor
c. The End of Childhood
d. Diaspora: Peoples in Exile
e. The Darker Side of History

6. Pontian Dictionary, with Grammar – Translation into English and German

The Pontian dialect, or "Pontiaka," is more closely related to Ancient Greek than to the Modern Greek spoken today. The preservation of Pontiaka is a must for future generations and scholars. Inasmuch, the foundation will undertake the compiling of a Pontian dictionary, and/ or the upgrading of any existing dictionaries. The translation from Pontiaka into English and German will be done in the U.S. and/ or Germany. When completed, the dictionary will be published by the foundation.

Copyright: March 2002, Thea Halo. All rights reserved.