Sano Themia Halo Pontian Heritage Foundation
Funding and Contributions
Logo Design
Future Plans
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This website and its pages are under construction, but here are a few of the things we can share!

Fundraising Activities

Start-up funds will be solicited from a number of sources including, but not limited to, not-for profit foundations, government agencies, and individuals. In addition, funds will be raised in the Pontic Greek communities. Each person of Pontian heritage, regardless of age, will be asked to contribute just one US dollar. For example, a family of four will give four dollars. Such a small sum is hardly felt by even a person of the most modest means. The donation for a large family of ten, i.e. two grandparents, two parents, and six young children, will still only amount to a donation of 10 dollars for the entire family. Yet the impact of these minute donations will have the cumulative effect of placing the Pontic Greek people as a whole in a position of great philanthropists. For in so donating their dollars, each Pontian can feel proud that he/ she is the sponsor of a great educational and cultural not-for-profit organization in the form of The Sano Themia Halo Pontian Heritage Foundation, proving once again that, not only are the Pontic Greeks alive and well, but they are continuing to make great and significant contributions to the world.  Of course, larger donations from individuals and other organizations will be gratefully accepted by the foundation.

The memorial will have its own funding plan, with supplemental funding from the general funds for operational expenses when necessary.